Sunday, July 19, 2009

fResHman oRentation cAMp

wha let me tell u a story.....
yang hari 5 kami ni sebenarnya ada camp tau d church
tapi im like erm dont want to go lah
because i know that if camp
it is going to be very hot,the fa'c will ask us to like do everything yang fun but pelik mcm poco-poco
so i decided not to go lor
but after i finish taking my dinner my fren sms lah n he said :
mari kita p tu camping nnt ada orng yang akan datang bawa kita p sana
so i'm like okey they realy want us to go there
that they offer to go back here to pick us up so like terharu lah haha...
so i'm like we just go lah without any preparation
so i end up bringing all my so call keperluan until my bag is bigger than it supose to be
because just for like 3 days only bah....

then we got to st.theresa's chapel
th mass is already started o....
so many people
and to my suprise all the poeple tere reminds me of my hometown
because all teh faces are so like my hometown punya orang pny faces bah all the people are a total stranger to me....
but as i can see there are 3 Brothers there at 1st i didnt take note of their faces because to me they will only talk to the elderly n the young
that my idea of them lah because i seldom talk to them lah...
even if we talk pun it will be like very formal one ...

so during the communion i notice oone of the brother are looking very young tau like my sister 's age
so im like wah soo young jow come he is one of them lah...
so i keep on guessing lah
so after the mass finish i said ok really need to go and talk to him
but didnt get the chance of doing so....
and one more thing is that his face is very familiar to myself i didnt know why but its true...

so when i finally get the chance to talk i said ok that will be ok tuck...
then i found out that he is 9 years older than me ooo.......OMG!!!!!!
because it dosent fit his look bah....
so the name is Brother Xavier....
to me i see him like an older brother of mine lah because i macam seen or talk or even konw him like for ages its realy nice to know him lah
through his experience in dealing becoz he told me he oredy meet all kinds of people
i macam have more respect for him lah.... but today is the last day n we didnt have the chance to talk so sayang lah bcoz there is more that i want to know about the people from him n also others lah... but never mind maybe not this time maybe some other time in the future...

n also through the camp i got more than i wish
its fun,informative n very cultural for me
we did the sumazau,poco-poco,n the sarawakian dance their famous ngajat dance...
i know almost all the seniors
all i can say is it so much fun
Thank You Lord for giving me the chance to participate in this camp...

im in the Green team and get the chance to be the leader for 1 day
but it is more than enough for me as i seldom got the courage to hold the title LEADER...
but for me its time to change for me myself n i
so now i know why they always encourage us to join the camp
for me its like a family gathering being held by the family leader becoz without it we will roboh rite
so i hope next time i can still join lah ho....
and honestly i didnt feel tired during the camp bcoz it brings me so much fun i actually excited to meet new people but im shy2 cat punya type bah
but if i oredy biasa dng that someone hmmm... confirm tidak lagi malu2
overall i had so much fun n get to know amazing people...

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